T H E    S W E E N    F A M I L Y

I N    T H E    U N I T E D    S T A T E S    A N D   A B R O A D


In 1981 Arne Pedersen Hagens’s son, Asbjorn Hagen, traveled from Singsas Norway to the United States with his wife and daughter to visit his dad’s cousin Carrie Sween Osdoba/Dewitt and family.  Since then there have been many more visits in both directions and many conversations of our family heritage.  Many of the family connections have been confirmed via Ancestry.com and published books in Norwegian about the Singsas,Norway region.  As you will notice, the family name often changes and this is due to the family moving to another farmstead.  Male offspring often take the middle name of the father followed by son or sen and female offspring often take the middle name of the father followed by dtr, dr, or datter.  The photos are a collection from all families involved in this project.  The website is a work in progress and intended to share this heritage and document the records that have been passed along from one generation to the next.  The trees are linked to Carrie’s and Arne’s page for more history you may enjoy. 


Genealogy IVAR KNUTSON STIGEN 1784-1848

BY Ivar A. Streitlien

Translated from Norwegian


The purpose of this work has been to give a brief description of Ivar Knutson Stigen from Dovre and his descendants. interest to see how far a seed can be spread in this short time. People have traveled abroad in the past as well. In a mountain village where the home is over 800 m above sea level, and where the soil is thin and only suitable for grass and forage, there will not be room for many homes on the route kilometer if one is to survive properly. Many therefore seek to find other places with better livelihoods. The time span only spans a scant 150 years, and that is of some importance. The material for this book has been collected over many years, but there will be incomplete information in several places. People nowadays are not always particularly interested in family research. They have more than enough to tempt their followers with everything that happens around our “weasel” earth. It often happens that you don’t get a reply to a letter asking for family information. But on the other hand, there is also increasing interest when it comes to knowledge of the family. It happens that high school students take it as a special task to tell about their family, and once you have started with this work, you will be doing it for a long time. In a book like this, there is no other way to avoid it than that there may be mistakes with years and data. Should there be major errors, you must ask for guidance about it, so it may be possible to send out corrections later. So it is my hope that one or the other will have the pleasure and heart of gaining knowledge about this family that the book deals with. Tynset 1969. Greetings from Ivar A. Streitlien.

Stadsbuoye Stadsbuoye

The garden is located in Nord-Atndal in Folldal 810 m above sea level. Foldalen’s Alps – Rondane – are the nearest neighboring mountains to the southwest, and one should look for finer mountain forms. On the other sides, there are more rounded mountains covered in white moss above the birch forest. Reindeer thrive in this mountain home, and you can find walled reindeer burrows in Gravskaret, Illmanndalen and in Dørålen. There are many moose graves arranged in long lines like beads on a string, and they tell of moose being caught a long time ago. At the end of the 17th century, folldolers and iron “blends” were located in Atndalen. On Stadsbueyen there is very poor sandy soil that requires a lot of water and a lot of fertiliser. There were grassland islands – which were easy to cultivate. From olden times the Dovringans had a horse harbor here,

View from Stadsbuoyen towards Rondan

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eit “stod” = a herd of horses, preferably of mares with a stallion. The shepherd had a small bow by the Borkhus stream overlooking the gardens. The plot was found by Ola P. Søre Oyen, and it is 2.5 m X 3 m square with a fireplace towards one corner. The name of the town then became Stods-bu-oye. The clearing of the farm took place around 1750, as Jo Oleson Jethjellen from Dovre married Marit Guttormsd in 1754. Landem, Dovre, and they should have a farm and a home. Jo Oleson dies in 1772, and in the shift after him there are 8 children mentioned. There were 12 cattle and 31 small animals. The funeral took 10 rd., and this was approved, even though it was a large outlay. For a funeral in Streitlien in 1794, 6 rd. were used, and the sheriff interpreted this to mean that there had been too much food in the grave and demanded 1 rd. in fine. The son Ola Jonson then used the farm for a time, and after him his son named Erland Olason. So Ivar Knutson Stigen deeded the farm on 29/11 1819. In 1828 he also received a deed from his father-in-law to Øvre Sveen. A new family thus entered “Nordre Øy’n”, which was the common name in everyday speech. Stodsbuoye or Stadsbuoye was too long and heavy to use, and therefore the name Oyen has been used. There is a good old-fashioned sound in Stodsbuayen. In 1837, Ivar Knutson Stigen also received a deed to the farm Sæteren from Ole O. Flørhammeren for 95 spd. Ivar Knutson sold the farm Sveen on 27 November 1847 to Ola Ivarson, his son, for 100 spd.

Stigen, Ivar Knutson

The ladder, Ivar Knutson. There is not much that can be found about the fathers of Ivar Knutson Stigen b. 1784. His great-grandfather was Knut Skreddar or Knut Ivarson Tảrud, Dovre b. 1683 d. 6/8 1749. He came as a householder to Tårud in 1720, and that It has been mentioned that he probably came from Holset on Lesja, but this has not been confirmed. He was GM Goro Klemetsd. b. 1675 d. 2/11 1736. She lived in Borkhus when she married. Her brother was teacher Knut Klemetson Fråsådale, Lesja, ancestor of a well-known teaching family, Nygard, on Sell and Vågå td.

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Knut and Goro had two sons of whom we know
1. Ivar Knutson b. 1717 gm Rønnaug Sjugurdsd. Ingulsgard, Dovre
2. Per Knutson, shoemaker and salesman in Folådale, a place below Angard, Dovre. In his older days he moved to Äsen and got half the farm, Nørdre Äsen, while his brother, Ivar, got Søndre Åsen.
Ivar and Rønnaug had a son Knut Ivarson Åsen or Stigen b. 13/6 1756, gm Marit Pedersd. Rindal, Dovre b. 5/11 1748. Her father, Peder Ingebrigtson Nistugun Rindal, married in 1745 the widow in Storrusten, Ingrid Sjugurdsd. b. 1713 from Øvre Øy in Vågå. She was of the Tynnol-Valbjørg-Bratt family, and this can be traced back to Harald Hảrfagre.
Marit Pedersd. was born in Storrusten and grew up there. The son Ivar Knutson Stigen, our servant boy there in 1801, and he was then 19 years old (b. 1782). A sister, Ingrid Knutsd. was 15 years old (b. 1786). She later got Stigen Søndre, and this family is on Stigen to this day.
Ivar Knutson Stigen came to Folldal and got the name Småsild-Iva because he traveled to Trondheim and bought small herring which he saw being sold south of Gudbrandsdalen. After him, this stanza will be imitated: “If I were to sit on a rock, I would be fine.”
Ivar Knutson was married to Marit Svennsd. Idle owner. Her father, Svenn Ulateig from Lesja, first rowed a place in Brandsnesgrenda. He then called himself Brandsnes. His place is still called Svennsplassen. Then he moved to Upper Sveen, and he took the name Sveen. Svenn was b. 1751 d. 1831 and gm Ingeborg Paulsd. b. 1754. Children:
1. Gjøda b. 1781 gm Haldog Jorgenson Gåshovde.
2. Marit b. 1782, see above.
3. Mari b. 1798.
It is still unclear whether there was another daughter named Marit b. 5/8 1804 m. Hans Oleson Furuhovdet b. 1773. If so, she must be the oldest.

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I. 1. Ivar Knutson Stigen b. 1784 d. 18/4 1848 g. 1811 m. Marit Svennsd. Sveen b. 1782 d. 3/10 1862. Nine children:
II 1. Knut b. 1812. Sjả neafor.
2. Ole b. 1814, see Sveen, Ole Ivarson.
3. Iver b. 10/2 1817, see Setra.
4. Ingebrigt b. 1821 d. 16/4 1864. Insane, ug.
5. Svenn b. 1822, see Gåshovde Nedre.
6. Marit t. 1825, see Rundtom, Nils A.
7. Ingeborg b. 12/1 1828, see Uppistugu upper.
8. Gjoda b. 8/11 1830, see Mattisstad.
9. Peder b. 19/6 1833, see Brandsnes.
II 1. Knut Ivarson b. 1812 d. 4/6 1900, got a deed 28/12 1846, b 15/7 1834 m. Anne Olesd. Stavsviken, Lom b. 1807 d, 26/9 1856. Knut had heard that if on a Midsummer night he walked barefoot over three fields and picked three kinds of flowers at 12 o’clock, put them under his pillow and slept on them, then he had a true dream, but a did not have to speak during the flower search. This he did, and dreamed of a girl whom he had never seen, but she was so clear in his memory that he remembered her all the time. In the winter he was allowed to stay with his father in Lom. They brought with them tares that they were going to exchange for grain.
Late one evening they arrived at the farm Stavsvika in Lom. The father went in and asked if they could get lodging for the night, and they did. Then put the horses in and groomed them for the night, took the food bowl and strolled into the kitchen to get food. There was a young girl cooking porridge. Knut recognized her immediately: she was the one he dreamed of on Midsummer Night. She also became his wife and moved to Stadsbuoyen.
In 1836 he received royal permission to build a sawmill in Myrbekken. This never freezes in the winter, and it is good sawdust all year round. The saw only had one saw blade. The Dovringans, who settled in Grimsdalen, brought a lot of root-dyed and orewood timber, and this he had to saw, because it was one of the conditions for the grant. No matter how cold it was, he stood in his striped shirt, unbuttoned at the chest, and let the cold wind harden him. He was never sick. Only for the last eight days of his life was he bedridden.

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Anne Stavsvika had these siblings: Eilif gm Ingrid. Toro gm Per Joten. Margrete gm Haldor Oyen. Knut and Anne had seven children:
III 1. Marit b. 16/9 1834, see Sveen, Erik Oleson.

2. Sissel b. 8/2 1835 d. 9/11 1851. She went barefoot and grazed early in the spring in all kinds of weather, fell ill and died only 16 years old.

3. Ivar b. 17/5 1838. See above.

4. Ingeborg b. 1/2 1841 d. 8/4 1868 m. Tore Simenson Steien, Alvdal b. 1841. To America 18685.

Ingeborg and Tore Steien

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5. Mari b. 25/1 1844 d. 2/5 1894, b. 27/10 1884 m. Ole Olason Follmoen, Alvdal b. 1841. To America.

6. Ola b. 1847 d. 5/1 1908. Mentally ill.

7. Syver b. 6/1 1854 d. 23/4 1932 and A hard working man. He made sure there was always enough firewood inside, was in a good mood even though he was short-tempered, read all the books he could get his hands on, had a good knowledge of history and geography, had a good memory, and he could amuse himself with funny episodes in a long time afterwards.

There was a mowing event in Systugun Streitlien. Syver was there, and among others also Erland Sæter, a big, powerful fellow who “gave up” everything he could when he sharpened his scythe. The other mowers had little heart to pull the grindstone for him. Syver was strong-armed and said his will. Erland grinded, and Syver left. Erland ate more, but Syver didn’t notice that it was getting harder to pull, he rather pulled a little faster. Erland was in a good mood because of how well it went, and he began to sing the hymn: “I will greet you from God our father that the house he has prepared for you.” He had not got far into the salma, before the blade bent down on both sides of the whetstone and went across. Syver had a lot of fun with this, and smiled brightly every time he told it.

The next user, Ivar Knutson b. 1838, had cleared his daughter’s neighboring garden, Mari Johannesd. Stadsbuøyen b. 1829 d. 4/4 1899 at Fåset in Tynset, and he had two children with her:

IV 1.Olaf b. 19/9 1856. See Øyen, Olaf, Tromsø.

2. Marie b. 18/5 1859. See Swanson, Mary, America.

His father did not want to know anything about marriage between them. The repeat was not good enough for a wife, he thought. Then traveled to Elgevasslien and tinga Ragnhild Toresd. to housewife and wife for her noble son. It is also said that he had pretended that if ‘n Iva’ did not want to marry Ragnhild, then he would do it himself. He was a widower and only 48 years old and could have several children in a new marriage. None of his other children

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could take over the farm. Under such conditions, Ivar found it most appropriate to bow to the will of his father.
About the family of Ragnhild Toresd. is to mention that she was the daughter of Tore Jakobson, Snikkerlien, Dovre b. 15/10 1797 d. 22/8 1833, b. 8/6 1822 m. Marit Larsd. Hjerpeliukdun, Dovre b. 1798 d. 8/2 1869. Marit att was the daughter of Lars Gunnarson Arnkleivsholen, Dovre died 1758, and Lars was the son of Marit Ravnsd. Vehl-Tofte and Gunnar Larsson who are descended from Lars Gunnarson Hågå (Arnekleiv), sheriff and leader of the Dovrings in the Scottish battle at Kringom 1612. His battle ax can still be found at Landheim in Dovre.
Tore Jakobson, Ragnhild’s father, was born on the square Snikkerlien under Vigerust, and he descended from the well-known Per Snikker. Tore’s father was Jakob Hansson Snikkerlien b. 1761 d. 30/9 1853, marriage certificate 9/4 1786 (later married) m. Marit Olesd. Hådi el. Head them. They had six children and Tore was the fifth in the line.
Jakob Hansson was a capable carpenter and a good woodcutter. Several beautiful skatolls can still be found on Skeie, on Dalen and near Ola Vigerust. He used Rococo in his wooden shed. He was also master of the coronation chair that King Carl Johan sat in during his coronation in Nidaros Cathedral on 7 September 1818. The chair is now in Stiftsgarden, Trondheim.
Per Person Carpenters of the same family should be even better as woodcutters. Two cupboards at Angard, Dovre, testify to that. He rowed and built Snikkerhaugen, a place below Vigerust, but this is now closed.
There was no fat livelihood for a carpenter or a woodcutter. And Jakob Hansson tried his hand in later years as a farmer when he took over Elgevasslia which his uncle Frek Person had cleared. Frekmyra asks for a name after Frek Person. There is dry, lean soil in Elgevasslien, and grain cannot ripen, so it was also a meager livelihood for Jakob here.
He was unhappy in Elgevasslien and longed to return to Dovre, in any case he was to be buried there. It is said that he offered Gammel-Døl’n Ola Blesterdalen b. 1789 5 dalers if he would drive his coffin to Dovre when he was dead. “No, you can

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The coronation chair for Karl Johan, the shoe by Jakob Hansson Snikkerlien.



then rest here in Folldale, like the rest of us, said Døl’n. “If you think so, you think you’re crazy,” answered Jakob. “My bones will not rot here. I will quiver there as my ancestors quivered.”

As a carpenter, he lived in a small cabin by himself. He did not take the time to cook porridge for himself, but ate the flour with a spoonful of water to a spoonful of flour. The flour was also much more refined when used in this way.

Jakob Hansson Snikkerlien b. 1761 d. 30/9 1853, b. 1786 m. Marit Olesd. Hådi (Hådem), Lesja b. 1763. Six children:

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1. Hans b. 1786 d. 1814 m. Sigrid Ingebrigtsd., Kyrkjestugun, Dovre. They took over Snikkerlia.

2. Ole b. 1789 in Snikkerlien, was called Stor-Salmakaren, b. 1828 m. Kari Svennsd. Sandom b. 1807 d. 1829. Three children.

3. Guri d. 1792 in Snikkerlien.

4. Ole dyf 1794, was called Vehl-Salmakaren b. 1821 m. Ragnhild Bersvennsd. Bersvennshaugen b. 1798. Son Jakob b. 1828, traveled to Tromso in 1847. Daughter Beret b. 1830, became Hans Oleson Eiriksrud, and son Peder b. 1834 became Ingeborg Pedersd., Nesset in Sollia, and they took over this farm .

5. Tore b. 1797. See above.

6. Per b. 1800 d. 1862, m. in 1827 m. Eldri Toresd. Lindse, Dovre b. 1893 d. 1843. No children. Per g. 2. g. (1843) m. Anne Pedersd. Streitlien b. 1819 d. 1903. They took over Kornkvei or Haldogsoye and their family has this farm now.

About Ragnhild Toresd. you can bring a woman. Once she traveled with “spånå” – socks and mittens that she had knitted to Esdalsgruva in Gausdal, to sell the “spånå” to the miners. She rode the whole trip, arrived safely, sold everything she had and bought salt from parishioners who had also come there. Happy and satisfied with the journey, she tied the salt sack on the horse’s back by the side of the saddle and set off for home. It set in with rain, a small stream that she had to cross, had grown up and went into landfill. It didn’t look good, but there was no way around it, she just let the river go. The water rose so high that the salt bag was completely soaked, and most of the salt ran off before she got over. Then she wept over the tragic outcome of her trading journey.

Ragnhild had attended only eight days at boarding school. She learned to read, but could not write. Hjerpeliukdun, Dovre b. 1796 d. 1869. Three children:

Tore Jakobson b. 1797 d. 1833, b. 1822 m. Marit Larsd.

1. Ragnhild b. 1827 who came to Stadsbuoyen.

2. Tore b. 1833 d. 1861 m. Marit Hansd. Lillerusten, Dovre b. 1826. Son Martin b. 1862, was first a trip to America, came

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home again and then took his parents with him to America. Daughter Guri b. 1864 and son Hans b. 1869 also traveled over Blåmyra. The son Tollef b. 1866 was a tailor, d. ug. 1894 of corrosion. There is no information about daughter Anne b. 1869.
Ivar Knutson, or ‘n Iva Nordre, as he was referred to in everyday speech, was a man of progress. He built himself a kind of house for cold-water dressing of the milk in the early 1880s. The stream flowed through the long, narrow drainage basin. He was the first in the village to build a barn with a passage along the wall, and a muck cellar under the barn, yes, he also had a muck cellar under the summer barn, the first to use artificial fertiliser, kraft fodder and ground cover for the tillage, to buy a separator, a threshing machine and to have tap water installed.
He said that when he sent Knud, his son, to Oslo to study, it was a neighbor who said: “No, now have Iva

Ivar Knutson Stadsbuoyen.

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Nordre tikji se’ water over hugude'”. When he turned on the tap for the first time, he said this, and then added: “But now Iva Nørdre has got water inside her cottage, and.”
He always traded in cash. “He who buys on bail, has to pay with sorrow,” was his saying. “If you are going to buy something, and cannot pay for it in cash, you can wait with the purchase until you have enough money so that there will be a cash settlement,” he said.
III. 3. Ivar Knutson b. 17/5a. 10/4 1924, b. 12/4 1863 m. Ragn- 10hild Toresd. Elgevasslien b. 1827 d. 13/9 1908. Three children:
IV 3. Knud b. 12/5 1865, see Øyen, Knud, Ljan.
4. Martin b. 27/8 1867. See above.
5. Anna Maria b. 18/3 1870, see Streitlien, Amund.
IV 4. Martin Ivarson b. 27/8 1867 d. 19/10 1946, b. 15/7 1892 m. Ragnhild Pedersd. Fallet b. 9/6 1874 d. 1966. Ten children:

Ragnhild and Martin Øyen’s family. From left: Margit Vold, Ivar Øyen. Bergljot Blæsterdalen, Aslaug. Ragnhild, Magnhild Wangsnes, Martin, Havdal. Per Øyen. Ragna. Klara Evensen, Ida

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V1. Ragna b. 11/5 1894 and Lives at Voll in Furnes.

2. Margit b. 25/4 1896, see Vold, Birger, Furnes.

3. Ida b. 27/9 1898, see Havdal, Lage, Rennebu.

4. Ivar b. 14/11 1900, see above.

5 Petra Bergliot b. 13/2 1903, see Blæsterdalen, Johannes, Oslo.

6. Per b. 13/8 1905, see Øyen, Per, Setra.

7 Klara b. 6/4 1908, housewife. Lives in Oslo, machinist Evensen, died 1968

8. Aslaug b. 26/9 1910 d. 14/12 1963.

9. Knut b. 4/9 1913, ug. Pả Sannerud.

10. Magnhild b. 17/7 1916, b. 10/12 m. consultant Harald Karlson Wangsnes b. 13/5 1914. Lives in Oslo.

V 4. Ivar Martinson b. 14/11 1900, b. 1. b. 5/10 1940 m. Anne Bjørnersd. Ekre, Dovre, born 29/8 18j98. Ivar b. 2nd b. 23/1 1950 m. Hjørdis Georgsd. Moe, Grong b. 23/11 1919.

VI 1. Arne b. 26/10 1947, adoptive. 2. Ragnhild b. 25/5 1950. 3. Knut b. 4/6 1953.

Vold, Birger, Furnes.

V 2. Margit Martinsd. Stadsbuøyen b. 25/4 1896 d. 6/10 1926 m. gbr. Birger Berntson Vold b. 3/12 1885, d. 6/7 1969. Children:

VI 1. Bjørn b. 30/1 1931, user of the farm Voll in Furnes, 16/5 1949 m. Gerd Hansen, Hamar b. 2 /12 1931. Children:

VII 1. Britt b. 2/9 1949.

VII 2. Birger b. 8/8 1955.

VII 3. Gro Stine b. 24/12 1962.

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Havdal, Lage, Rennebu.
V3. Ida Martinsd. Øyen b. 27/9 1898, d. 5/1 1960, teacher, b. 14/9 1927 m. gbr. Lage Arntson Havdali Rennebu, b. 26/1 1898. Three children:
VI 1. Magnhild b. 6/5 1929, b. 29/11 1952 m. doctor Ola Herman Robak, Horten, b. 31/3 1928. Four children:
VII 1. Kristian b. 8/10 1953.
2. Lage b. 13/3 1955 in Gjøvik.
3. Ingrid born 7/1 1959 in Vadsø.
4. Karen b. 28/9 1961 in Drammen. Dr, Robak is managing director and senior physician at Opdøl Hospital in Molde.
2. Kjellaug b. 3/3 1928, cook, ug.
3. Liv b. 10/8 1931 d. 1947.

Blæsterdalen, Johannes, Oslo.

V5. Petra Bergliot Martinsd. b. 13/2 1903, teacher, b. 30/8 1930 m. Johannes Tollefson Blæsterdalen £. 18/11 1900, senior police officer in Oslo. Two children:
VI 1. Ragnhild b. 23/7 1931, b. 10/7 1953 m. dir, Michael William Sweet-Escott, Skipton, Yorkshire, England. Three children:
VII 1, Karen Mary b. 16/7 1955.
2. Peter Bickham b. 18/7 1956.
3. Ellen Ragnhild b. 25/4 1961.

2. Torleiv b. 16/10 1932, civil economist, g 30/7 1960 m. Ase Håkenstad, Kapp, b. 28/6 1936. Children:
VII 1. Hanne b. 12/4 1965.
2. Line Marianne b. 1/5 1968. 17

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Setra. Per Martinson Øyen, Folldal.
About the farm Setra see Sveen, Iver Ivarson (Setra), Folldal. V6. Per Martinson Stadsbugyen b. 13/8 1905, gbr., b. 29/6 1935 m. Mina Tollefsd. Blæsterdalen b. 10/7 1905. Six children:
VI 1. Sissel b. 2/6 1936, b. 20/7 1963 m. civil agronomist Magne Heggdal £. 19/4 1932 in Innvik, Nordfjord. They live in Kolbotn.
2. Knut b. 21/11 1939, construction worker.
3. Øyvind b. 20/3 1941 d. 11/5 1945.
4. Anne Ragnhild b. 9/7 1943, hairdresser.
5. Martin b. 31/1 1946 d. 1966.
6. Tarald b. 17/9 1948.

Oyen, Knud, Ljan.
Knud Ivarson Stadsbuoyenf. In 1865, no one particularly liked the farm work. He was a boy of nobility, but his strongest interests were in accumulating knowledge and book medicine. He attended an undivided public school for 18 weeks each year. Just Kornkvern from Lesja

County Commissioner Knud Øyen.

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was the teacher. It can be seen that the pupils did not get a lot of bookish knowledge, but Just was a strong personality who made a deep impression on his pupils, and Knud Øyen had great respect for his teacher who instilled in him healthy and valuable life lessons. Knud always referred to teacher Just with great pride.

After elementary school, he traveled to Oslo and became a student in 1886, took his legal civil service exam in 1891, was first an attorney with Magistrate Johan Castberg in Gjøvik, then joined the Ministry of Justice as an additional clerk with a monthly salary of NOK. 104.00, quickly rose through the ranks and became head of expedition in 1910.

Knud Øyen had an excellent memory, and he had all the information down to the smallest detail in his head, did not use notes and was said to be “the cleverest man in the central administration”. He made full use of this ability in 1926 when he was appointed county governor in Hedmark. He was only able to take over this position in 1928, because in the meantime he was Minister of Justice in Lykke’s government.

After the appointment, he received many congratulatory telegrams, but the local communist press made bitter attacks and stated that our party “however has no reason to welcome the right-winger Oyen. But we have reason to ask the county’s working class to be aware of the strengthening of the reactionary front that his appointment means.” Hedmark county was called the “red county” because the workers had the majority in the county council.

Knud Øyen had good prospects as county governor. As expedition manager for the administrative department in the Ministry of Justice, he knew the municipalities’ financial position inside out. He was Österdol, a strong and dignified person, not just a civil servant, but a chief of his county. He did not take the position to carry out Hayre’s political program. His task was to travel up and down the crisis-stricken Hedmark county, which was more marked by the recession than any other county. There was a strong reluctance towards the county governor personally, and it required a strong will, great work ability and courage to be able to take on the demanding task. But precisely these

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Knud Øyen had the qualities, and at once an optimism and belief that a county with as many ways out as Hedmark had, had to be able to get back on its feet. The political opponents also soon found out that he was the right man in the right place. At the last county council that Knud Øyen chaired, Mayor Fjeld (Ap.) said:

“We met him with distrust, but we judged him too quickly. We thought it was the minister, the politician, the punisher who came, and then it was a heath marking, an osterdøl who came out of love for his own part of the country and who, with the osterdøl’s tenacious energy, stood up for the county’s best interests. Today there is no misgiving.”

There were great economic difficulties in Hedmark, as elsewhere in the country. Knud Øyen, who grew up on a small mountain farm 810 m above sea level in Folldal where corn or potatoes could be grown, knew hard and cramped conditions from childhood, but he had also learned that with work, thrift, solid planning and safe management, could handle the biggest difficulties. He served as county commissioner for seven years, and it may be relevant in this context to quote from the Østlendingen for 16 October 1935:

“There was a strong storm in the county municipality when Knud Øyen took over the helm with an authoritative hand, and as the experienced skipper he was, set he immediately steered into the correct course. There were high surf and many reefs to get past. The boat is now safely in port. The skipper has done his duty. He can disembark with all the respect a skipper can get.”

On 19 April 1912, Knud Øyen was appointed a knight of the Order of St. Olav, 1st class.

Knud Øyen made his home on Ljan, high up with a free and wide view over the Oslofjord and the surrounding area. In memory of his great work in Nordstrand parish where he held many positions of trust for a long time, a road between Aasdalsvegen and Ekebergvegen near Ljabru station has been named “Knud Øyens Veg”.

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Knud Øyen’s family.
1st row fv: Anders Ringnes, Knut Øyen, Finn Øyen Olsen. and Kjell Meinich Meinich Olsen, Ivar Øyen. 2nd row fv: Haakon Wettre, Gudrun Øyen Wettre, Grete 3rd row fv: Ragnhild Ringnes, Kaia Ringnes, Knud Øyen, Aagot Øyen b. Sørby and Ingrid Meinich Olsen.
IV 3. Knud Ivarson Øyen b. 12/5 1865 d. 14/11 1942, county governor Hedmark, b. 12/11 1898 m. Aagot Antonsd. Sorby b. 25/8 1871 d. 10/4 1945. Six children:
V1. Ragnhild Nicoline b. 29/10 1899, b. 26/6 1928 m. major Anders Ringnes b. 29/6 1895. Two children:
VI 1. Kaia Ragnhild b. 3/7 1929, b. 1954 m. wing com- mander Gordon Bell, England, b. 28/11 1923, meteorologist at the Royal Observatory. They live in Hong Kong. Kaia is an English teacher for Chinese children. Three children:

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VII 1. John Andrew Bell b. 28/5 1956.

2. Nicolas Paul b. 1/8 1959.

3. Trine Benedicte b. 24/2 1967.

VI 2. Anders b. 2/5 1933, lawyer, ug.

V 2. Ingrid b. 11/1 1901, b. 8/10 1925 m. Kjell Meinich Olsen, b. 29/6 1892, managing director of Norsk Hydro. Children:

VI 1. Grethe b. 2/7 1926, interior architect, b. 2/11 1950 m. civil engineer Trygve Mjøset b. 5/5 1923 in V. Aker. Two children:

VII 1. Lars b. 19/1 1954.

2. Kari b. 11/3 1958.

V 3. Gudrun b. 29/3 1903, b. 1. b. 1931 m. Håkon Walter Wettre b. 14 /10 1905, d. 1938.

V 3. Gudrun g, 2. b. 1953 m. civil engineer and consul Engelhart Carl Andresen b. 4/10 1902 in Mexico. Children in 1st marriage:

VI 1. Ragnar Knut Wettre, b. 9/12 1931, grocer, b. 1. b. 1954 m. Inger Vamnes from Bekkelaget b. 2/10 1935. B. 2. gm Grethe Haugen, Oslo. Two children:

VII 1. Haakon b. 8/10 1965.

2. Else Margrethe b. 4/5 1967.

VI 2. Trygve Ivar Wettre b. 17/5 1936, grocer, b. 1962 m. Helene May Hill from England , b. 7/5 1939. Two children:

VII 1. Linde Elisabeth b. 2!3 1964.

2. Martin Trygve b. 14/3 1967.

V4. Ivar b. 1/3 1905, bookkeeper at Aker Sparebank, b. 1949 m. Sonja Marie Loe, Drammen, b. 10/11 1920.

V 5. Knut b. 22/10 1910, b. 1947 m. Karen Froyså, Hellesylt, b. 2/10 1913. Children:

VI 1. Jan Petter b. 7/10 1947, gm Marianne Heby, Hamar. Children: VII 1, Odd Ivar b. 16/12 1966.

V6. Finn b. 12/9 1912, souvenir designer, businessman, ug. (skip from 22 to page 36)

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Mary Swanson, America.
Marie Ivarsd. Stadsbuøyen b. 18/5 1859, also traveled out of Folldalen, first to Storelvdal and then to America. In Trowbridge, Illinois, she was married to the farmer Swanson, who was of Swedish descent. Three of the sons were in the First World War in France.
Marie took the name Mary, and in 1930 she went on a trip to Norway, took part in the 900-year celebration in Nidaros, and traveled from there to Folldal.
IV 2. Mary Swanson b. 18/5 1859 in Folldal, d. July 1942, b. 1884 m. Jasper Swanson b. 28 July 1848 in Sweden, d. July 1928. Nine children:
V1. Maude Charlotte Swanson £. 12/1 1885, d. 12/2 1968, gm Thompson, no children.

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2. Effie Roseminda Swanson b. 9/11 1886, gm Garrett. No children.
3. Mary Eleanora b. 14/1 1889 gm Elliot and has two children:
VI 1. Gordon Elliot who died in 1948, and
2. Maxine Elliot who lives in California.
4. Otto Leonard Swanson £. 1/6 1891, b. but has no children.
5. John Henry Swanson b. 24/5 1893, g. and has three sons:
VI 1. John Henry jr.
2. Robert E. Swanson.
3. Ricard who died in Germany in 1948.
6. Arthur Herman Swanson b. 9/6 1895, d. 1968, g. and has a daughter.
7. Carl Raymond Swanson b. 2/8 1897, d. 1946. No children.
8. Irene Elvera Swanson b. 7/6 1899, gm Joel Johnson. He died 2/11 1968. One son:
VI 1. Normann.
9. Lela Margrita Swanson b. 4/3 1901, d. June 1940, gm Carruthers. Two children:
VI 1 Charles son lives in Wisconsin.
VI 2. Marilyn Carruthers Morris who lives in Illinois.

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Sveen, Ole Ivarson, Folldal.
The clearing man was Svenn Anderson Ulateig from Lesja b. 1751 d. 1831. He calls himself Brandsnes in the 1780s, cleared Svennsplassen, but this may be because he lived in Brandsnes before he floated to Sveen and settled there as a householder during the Streitlien. The garden is 907 m above sea level with a wide view over the Folldal mine and the church circle and further down the Foll valley. Four miles to the east, Tron (1,666 m a.s.l.) looms blue with its serrated contour that resembles a pig’s back. The name Tron means the boar.
The soil on Sveen is preferably lean and was not suitable for cultivation according to the old method. It could be strenuous and difficult to obtain a reasonable standard of living. One of the wives said recently that she was pregnant and the weather was cold: “Svea is the worst place in the whole world.” It shouldn’t be allowed for people to live here.”
Svenn Anderson b. 1751 was married to Ingeborg Paulsd. They had four daughters:
1. Marit de, b. 1804 m. Hans O. Furuhovde in Folldal.
2. Gjøda b. 1781, gm Haldo Jørgenson Gåshovde.
3. Marit dyf 1782 gm Ivar Knutson Stigen, see Stadsbuoyen.
4. Mari b. 1797, unknown age.
Ivar Knutson Stigen received a deed from his father-in-law to this farm on 28/10 1828, and he used the farm until his second eldest son Ola Ivarson took over in 1847.
II 2. Ole Ivarson Sveen b. 2/12 1814, d. 2, g. 8 /4 1848 m. Brit Jørgensd. Korsvollien, Dovre, b. 1821, d. 26/12 1910. Seven children:

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III 1. Iver b. 22/12 1844. Sjâ Sveen, Iver Oleson, Trondheim.

2. Jorgen b. 13/3 1847. See Sveen, Jorgen Oleson (Hagen), Bjørgen.

3. Ole b. 30/1 1849, d. 29/2 1850.

4. Ole b. 2/12 1850, see above, next user.

5. Marit b. 9/4 1854, d. 1/2 1930, ug.

6. Anne b. 9/4 1858, b. 18/9 1881 m. Jon Oleson Kullebotn, ter Atnbrua, b. 8/5 1855. They traveled to America.

7. Simen b. 29/10 1862. See Simensen, Brumunddal.

II. 4. Ole Oleson b. 2/12 1850, d. 14/12 1928, b. 12/6 1882 m. Ragnhild Pedersd. Kristoffersveen, b. 23/1 1854, d. 6/2 1930. Five children:

IV 1. Berte b. 14/8 and d. 21/8 1882.

2. Bertine b. 31/1 1884, next user.

3. Ragnhild b. 27/3 1888, b. 8/8 1905 m. baker Martin Oleson Lenes, b. 1879 in Hemne. They traveled to America.

4. Ole b. 31/1 1891 d. 31/5 1965, ug.

5. Petra Jørgine b. 15/11 1893. See Andreas Larshus.

IV 2. Bertine Olesd. £. 31/1 1884, d. 13/2 1960, b. 31/12 1913 m. Karl Johan Reitan, Hitteren, b. 1888, d. 7/3 1961 at Hauge in Dalane. Two children:

V1. Ragna b. 29/10 1913, b. 5/7 1944 m. Birger Bergsveinson Trætthaug, Soknedal, b. 22/6 1914. Now director of Alvdal Handelslag, Alvdal.

VI 1. Bjørner b. 17/11 1944.

2. Bård t. 10/10 1950. 3. Kari b. 26/2 1952. garden now, g. 15/3

V 2. Olaf Kåre b. 14/2 1916 , user of 1941 m. Minda Pedersd. Skomakerstuen, Folldal, b. 12/1 1920.

VI 1. Bodil Randi b. 28/4 1941, teacher.

2. Aud Kjellrun b. 1/6 1944. 3. Erna b. 6/2 1947.

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Sveen, Iver Oleson, Trondheim.

III 1. Iver Oleson Sveen b. 22/12 1844, d. 26/6 1869 m. Sigrid Hansd. Røroshaug born 13/8 1841, sailed from Folldal in June 1878 to Trondheim. Five children:

IV 1. Ole, b. 29/12 1871, see above.

2. Ingrid b. 1/8 1874, ug.

3. Hans b. 4/4 1877. See Sveen, Hans, Trondheim.

4. Ivar b. 10/1 1879. Sjả Sveen, Ivar, Trondheim.

5. Anna b. 6/4 1884. See Hauan, Albert, Trondheim.

IV 1. Ole b. 29/12 1871 d. 15/10 1959, municipal worker. in Trondheim, b. 1. b. 18/5 1898 m. Brynhild Andersen Bergfald in Aure, b. 17/5 1872, d. 10/4 1913. Five children. Ole Iverson b. 2nd b. 13/11 1915 m. widow Julie Johansen b. 10/3 1875,

V1. Ingolf Anthoni b. 18/7 1889. Sjả Sveen, Ingolf, d. 28/3 1964. A daughter. Trondheim.

2. Osvald Bjarne b. 24/8 1901, blacksmith, gm Hanna Hansen, Klæbu, b. 29/12 1896. They live at Teigen in Klæbu. Two children: VI 1. Birgit b. 27/3 1928, nurse in Oslo. 2. Ole b. 7/6 1934, cand. mag. Oslo.

3. Iver Arvid b. 1/8 1904, leather buyer, b. 19/9 1931 m. Gunhild Anthonie Karlsen, b. 24/6 1907 in Flagstad, Lofoten. Four children:

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VI 1. Inger Gunvor b. 9/6 1932, teacher, b. 29/6 1957 m. teacher Odd Jorulf Brosveet b. 25/11 1933 in Steinkjer. They live in Gresvik near Fredrikstad. No children.

2. Aase b. 29/10 1940, teacher, b. 21/7 1962 m. engineer Erling Johnson, b. 18/1 1934 in Odda, Hardanger. They live in Nittedal and have the children: VII 1. Ivar b. 19/9 1963. 2. Bjarne b. 28/6 1967.

3. Arvid b. 6/8 1942, studies at Oslo University.

4. Per b. 14/6 1944, attends Trondheim Technical School.

4. Sigurd Oleson b. 1906, d. 1912.

5. Olav Marius b. 21/12 1912, d. 1/7 1958, ug.

6. Sigrid Oline b. 16/3 1916, b. 21/5 1938 m. barber Odd Kristoffer Steen b. 18/7 1912 in Trondheim. Two children:

VI 1. Laila b. 19/5 1938, b. 16/3 1963 m. technical commander in the air force Bernt Jakob Hansen £. 20/3 1941 in Ski.

2. Oddrun b. 10/3 1944, b. 20/4 1963 m. bathing assistant Bjørn Mæhle, b. in Trondheim 19/10 1936. Children:

VII 1. Oddvar b. 1/10 1963.

2. Stig b. 17/4 1965.

Sveen, Ivar, Trondheim.

IV 4. Ivar Bertinus Iverson Sveen b. 10/1 1880 in Strinda, d. 27/10 1939, merchant in Trondheim, b. 26/12 1904 m. Olise Mathea Eilertsen, b. 4/10 1883 on Frøya, deceased. Children:

V1. Ivar Wilhelm i. 26/7 1905, cartman in Trondheim, b. 17/5 1930 m. Hildur Marie Olsen b. 21/4 1906 in Strinda. Two children:

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VI 1. Greta Evelyn born 10/7 1930, born 25/10 1951 with diploma. Einar Jørum born 16/6 1924 in Trondheim. Living in Oslo. Two children:

VII 1. Guri b. 5/7 1952.

2. Joar b. 13/1 1954. 2. Kari Irene b. 5/1 1934, b. 27/9 1952 m. refrigeration fitter Morten Dinesen b. 21/3 1931 in Trondheim. Three children:

VII 1. Per Arne b. 20/1 1953.

2. Christin b. 7/8 1956.

3. Trine b. 13/3 1958.

2. Harald Kristian b. 9/4 1907, clerk, d. 29/1 1968, b- 25/8 1928 m. Anny Johanne Kolberg, b. 10/7 1907. Bur Inga Olise b. 27/10 1928, b. 24/4 1954 m. teacher

VI 1. in Trondheim. Two children: Arnfinn Solberg b. 21/8 1926. Bur Three children:

VII 1. Erik b. 9/10 1954.

2. Rolf b. 15/7 1956.

3. Elisabeth b. 19/3 1958.

2. Alfhild Helene b. 18/6 1930, b. 20/1 1956 m. merchant Bjørn Petter Eriksen b. 26/12 1929. Two children:

VII 1. Nina b. 3/1 1958.

2. Finn b. 9/ 10 1961.

2. Harald Kristian b. 16/3 1932, car mechanic, b. 19/3 1935 m. Edit Baardsen b. 15/6 1933. Lives in Heimdal. Two children:

VII 1. Bảrd Arne b. 3/9 1955.

2. Bente b. 2/4 1957.

3. Rudolf Georg b. 17/3 1910, merchant in Strinda, b. 23/2 1941 m. Randi Vongravenf . 4/3 1920 in Rennebu. Two children:

VI 1. Ivar b. 29/11 1942, candidate of law. 1967.

2. Per b. 17/12 1947, machine fitter. 41 in Trondheim.

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4. Rutt b. 19/6 1920, b. 27/9 1941 m. merchant Ivar Prytz, b. 27/9 1912. Lives in Trondheim. Two children:
VI 1. Sissel b. 4/10 1943, Red Cross nurse at the Central Hospital in Trondheim, b. 2/3 1968 m. watchmaker Erik Erlandsen b. 13/6 1942. Children:
VII 1. Espen Prytz Erlandsen b. 21/12 1968.
2. Torild b. 26/10 1947, goes to teacher training school.
Sveen, Hans, Trondheim.
IV 3. Hans Iverson Sveen b. 4/4 1877, d. 1915, harbor worker. in Trondheim, b. 15/8 1896 m. Anna Wean from Aure in Nordmøre, b. 14/5 1876, d. 6/5 1961. Seven children:
V1. Hildur b. 1901, d. 1918.
2. Ingrid b. 14/1 1904. See Skauge, Gustav, Trondheim.
3. Harald b. 11/4 1906, d. 23/8 1928.
4. Rolf b. 11/4 1906, construction worker. in Trondheim, b. 26/3 1938 m. Regine Dalheim, b. 2/4 1908 in Meløy. Children:
VI 1. Grete b. 13/7 1942, teacher, b. 9/4 1967 m. machinist Odd Ingebrigtsen, Nykirke st., Vestfold.
2. Hans b. 3/8 1947.
5. Dagrun b. 23/6 1910, b. 1937 m. sailor Arne Kjøl b. 13/5 1904. Children:
VI 1. Anne Marie b. 13/10 1937, b. 1/9 1956 with foreman John Aftret, Kulvik b. 25/12 1929 in Selbu. They live in Selbu. Children:
VII 1. May Helen b. 23/12 1956.
2. Jonny b. 7/1 1958.
3 Hans Ivar b. 17/12 1962.
4. Morten b. 30/11 1968.
2. Karin Arnesd. b. 2/2 1946.
6. Gerda b. 6/10 1913, d. 1931.
7. Henry b. 22/6 1915, accountant, d. 21/7 1962, b. 2/9 1939 m. Mary Jakobsen , born 23/12 1912. Two children:
VI 1, Gunnar b. 3/10 1937, b. 9/10 1959 m. Anny Karlsvik, b. 10/10 1938 in Kristiansund. Children:
VII 1. Mary Ann b. 11/5 1960.
2. Per Erik b. 23/9 1961.
2. Lillian b. 16/6 1945.
3. Odd Steinar b. 4/10 1946.

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Sveen, Ingolf Anthoni, Trondheim.
V1. Ingolf Anthoni Oleson b. 18/7 1899, rodeoform, in Trondheim, b. 1/2 1924 m. Petrine Johnsen frả Brønnoysund b. 21/5 1902.
VI 1. Sonja b. 23/5 1925 b. 20/ 1 1948 with welding work. Fredrik Fredriksen, born in Børsa 11/9 1924. Lives in Trondheim. Children:
2. Harald b.
VII 1. Sylvi b. 21/8 1948.
2. Harald f. 15/2 1949.
2. Gunnar b. 4/6 1926, salesman, b. 20/8 1952 m. Kerstin Majken Julianne Brandov b. 24/9 1922 in Stockholm, Lives in Stockholm. Children:
VII 1. Bjørn b. 7/12 1952, student.
2. Ulf Mikael b. 6/1 1954.
3. Elna b. 21/5 1928 d. 25/8 1947 m. tram driver Nils Erik Hansson b. 3/12 1927 in Stockholm. Lives in Stockholm. Children:
VII 1. Kjell Gunnar b. 27/1 1947.
2. Kai b. 31/7 1950. 2. 44

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Simensen, Brumunddal.
III 7. Simen Oleson Sveen b. 29/10 1862, d. 9/3 1925, traveled to Brumunddal, gm Agnetha Olsen b. 5/10 1861, d. 30/3 1949. Five children:
IV 1. Ole b. 4/7 1889, bus driver, gm Sigrid Ottarsd. Vangen
V1. Simon Aksel, b. 9/10 1915, car repairer, b. 9/3 b. 10/11 1893 at Andalsnes. Three children: 1946 m. Margit Linnea Staff, b. 7/2 1919 in Västerås, Sweden Children:
VI 1. Robert b. 23/7 1947 in Nittedal, b. 15/4 m. Vera Engersand b. 6/5 1948 in Oslo. Children:
VII 1. Roger b. 7/8 1967.
2. Otto Simensen b. 8/8 1917, car repairer, gm Mai Brit Åkerström b. 17/12 1921 in Vingåker, Sweden. Children:
VI 1 Mai Grete Ingeborg b. 27/8 1945
2. in Ving-åker, gm Ivar Lamo b. 6/3 1944. Ann b. 21/12 1952. The family lives in Nittedal.
3. Alf Simensen b. 23/7 1919, car repairer, gm Sigrunn Ruus b. 23/6 1917 in Nittedal, d. 4/4 1963. Three children:
VI 1. T’om Ole b. 4/10 1944 in Stockholm , gm Wenche Oppsund. Children:
VII 1. Pål b. 10/1 1968.
2. Arild b. 7/6 1947 in Nittedal.
3. Magne b. 19/5 1953. The family lives in Nittedal.

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2. Martin Simensen b. 27/3 1891, gm Dagny Marie Haug b. 4/9 1898. Three children:

V 1. Jenny b. 6/3 1921, gm hairdresser Arne Krf. Engli, born 28/4 1913 in Hamar. Children:

VI 1. Tom Arne b. 15/1 1947.

2. Aase b. 23/5 1948. The family lives in Hamar.

2. Arne Martinson b. 26/4 1923, bricklayer, b. 22/8 1948 m. Kirsten Bera Kolloen b. 27/4 1925 in Furnes. Children:

VI 1. Tor b. 24/8 1949.

2. Inger b. 12/11 1950. The family lives in Brumunddal.

3. Bjarne b. 5/9 1927, electrician, b. 21/4 1951 m. Klara Ottesen, b. 16/6 1928 in Løten. Children:

VI 1. Bjørn b. 15/8 1951.

2. Turid b. 14/9 1952.

3. Grethe b. 25/1 1954.

4. Rolf b. 9/6 1956. The family lives in Brumunddal.

3. Borghild b. 6/2 1894, d. 2/11 1948.

4. Anna b. 12/1 1896, ug. She lives in Denmark.

5. Gunda b. 21/12 1898, married in Denmark to Axel Hansen. No children.


Sveen, Jørgen Oleson, Hagen, Bjørgen.

III 2. Jørgen Oleson Sveen b. 13/3 1847 d. 1906. He worked at Folldals mine from 1/4 1861 to 1/4 1871, then traveled to Sør-Varanger for road work, and from there to Sunndalen, then worked on the Rørosbana from 15/8 1872 to 1/7 1878 and lived at Bjørgen st. Was born in 1873 m. Gjertru Pedersd. Vinsnesbakken, Singsås b. 1/4 1846 d. 7/1 1924. He took the name Hagen as his children then used. Children:

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Jorgen and Gjertru Sveen (Hagen).
IV 1. Ola Hagen b. 1873 gm Anne Gåre. Traveled to America and has five children: Julie, Otto, Rose, Karie and Annie.
2. Berntine b. 4/4 1875 d. 17/4 1939, gm Ingebrigt Pederson Smemo. No children. Berntine has for Gjertru b. 27/1 1901, d. 26/7 1937, gm Jon Pederson Bones b….. d. 7/10 1941. No children.
3. Gjertru d. 22 years old.
4. Per Hagen, born 10/6 1881. See above.
5. Anna d. 17 years and
6. Jonetta d. 13 years.
IV 4. Per Jørgenson Hagen b. 10/6 1881, d. 19/4 1950, gm Anne Johansd. Øyen from Meråk b. 10/8 1885, d. 16/7 1917. Children:
V1. Jørgen Hagen b. 23/6 1907, d. 20/6 1933, b. 1927 m. Elisabeth Johannesd. Løkken from Alen b. 1903. She d. 2nd gm Hans Kosbakk. Children:

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VI 1, Anni Julie b. 26/6 1927. See Reppe, Per.

2. Hilma Elfrida b. 17/8 1929, b. 2/7 1949 m. carpenter Gunnar Heggseth, Hessdalen b. 22/6 1928. Lives in Heimdal. Children:

VII 1. Elsa Karin b. 7/1 1950.

2. Gerd Helene b. 12/10 1952.

3. Gerd d. 6 months old.

2. Gjertine b. 14/9 1909. See Bones, Martin.

3. Marie b. 23/3 1912, d. 19/1 1960, gm Olaf Pederson, Gravråk, Singsås. He is g. 2. gm Eldbjørg Foss, Støren.

VI 1. Arvid Olafson b. 30/4 1934, d. 28/12 1958.

4. Julie Hagen b. 16/4 1914 d. 22/2 1923.

5. Arne Hagen b. 9/7 1917, track guard, g 13/7 1940 m. Olaug Andreasd. Dragåsøyen, Singsås b. 20/4 1913. Children:

VI 1. Asbjørn b. 2/11 1940, machine driver, b. 14/10 1961 m. Måifrid Basmo, Singsås b. 8/2 1941. Children:

VII 1. Turid b. 16/12 1961.

2. Bjørn b. 17/8 1963.

3. Siri b. 12/10 1964.

4. Arnt Egil b. 9/10 1965. Lives in Singsås.

Reppe, Per, Singsås.

VI 1. Anni Julie Hagen b. 26/6 1927, g. 29/12 1945 m. Per Tomasson Reppe, Singsảs b. 13/1 1924. Children:

VII 1. Margit Elin b. 26/1 1946, b. 1965 m. Per Asly, Kotsøy.

2. Trygve b. 14/9 1947.

3. Gunnleik Kåre b. 9/4 1949.

4. Anne Petra b. 5/9 1952.

5. Grete b. 16/4 1957.

6, Turid b. 7/8 1960. 

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Bones, Martin, Støren.
V 2. Gjertine Persd. Hagen b. 14/9 1909 gm overseer Martin Pederson Bones, Støren b. 18/8 1907. Bur pả Rognes. Children:
VI 1. Paul Oddvar Bones b. 16/3 1931, kpt. garrison quartermaster, b. 26/7 1952 m. Liv Ruth Aune b. 25/7 1931 in Snåsa. Cage at Kristiansten fortress, Trondheim. Children:
VII 1. Siv Margret b. 15/9 1953.
2. Gerd Åsta b. 5/7 1955.
3. Atle Magnar b. 7/7 1957.
4. Dag b. 13/1 1960.
5. Tone Ingrid b. 29/9 1964.
2. Annbjørg Julie b. 17/9 1933, b. 13/12 1957 m. painter Viktor Aune, Støren b. 7/3 1932. Bur Munins v. 6, Nidarvoll, Trondheim.
VII 1. Gunn Merete b. 6/8 1955.
2. Erland Martin b. 23/4 1957.
3. Tove Elisabeth b. 27/10 1960.
3. Eivind Jarle Bones b. 16/5 1939, teacher, g 17/11 1962 m. Kari Ingebretsen, Oslo b. 22/3 1940. Bur i Kvam, Gbd. Children:
VII 1. Lars Eivind b. 4/6 1963.
2. Tonje b. 12/7 1964.
3 Marle f. l i2. 1966
Gåshovde Lower. Svenn Ivarson Sveen.
II 5. Svenn Ivarson Sveenf. 1822 (Stadsbuøyen) d. .. …, b. . b. 9/6 1849 m. Mille Haldosd. Øyan b. 10/3 1823 d. 27/1 1864. G. 2. g. 1/10 1866 m. Ingrid Olesd. Brustuen b. 1835 d… Svenn bought Gåshovda in 1850 and had the farm for a few years. Then he became religious and his mind was not strong enough until he came to Rotvold. When he came out again, he got work on a farm in Strinda, and was there until he died. Eight children in 1. e. 49

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III 1. Haldo b. 17/12 1847 d. at Gudå in Meråker 3/10 1925. He was a track guard at Meråkerbana. Married, but had no children.

2. Iver b. 1849, d. 14/10 1866, ug.

3. Haldo born 17/10 1851, died as a child.

4. Jørgen b. 26/4 1854. Information missing.

5. Gjøda b. 10/4 1856, d. 9/9 1865.

6 Martin b. 1857, d. 22/1 1931. Had little mental abilities. Went around the villages in Østerdalen and Trøndelag and sold peppermint, and went by the name Mynte-Martin.

7. Haldo b. 27/7 1858, auctioned at Steinkjer.

8. Mari b. 28/12 1860. In 2nd generation. 4 children:

9. Anne b. 23/3 1866, gm Hans Didrik Johansen, Tilrem, Helgeland. No children.

10. Iver b. 2/4 1868, d. 1952, was first track foreman on Bergensbana, then came to Nordlands-bana and bought a farm at Lunnan st.

11. Mille b. 21/8 1871, gm Iver Rønning, Tynset. She died of galloping corrosion in the first cot in Oslo.

12. Peder b. 3/12 1876, d. 14/4 1947, gm Anne Halvorsd. Meadow, Tynset. No children. Had the small farm Fossmoen, Tynset.

Ingrid Brustugun (Svenn’s 2nd wife) was strong as a man. Once she had been to the store shopping, her husband, who was at home, had found himself cooking cream porridge from her cheek cream. When she got home and found out, she got mad, and she took her husband and put him on the floor and beat him.

Once in the autumn, Svenn A. Hovde was with Svenn Ivar-Son and ljostra fish. Now Svenn Ivarson’s ljosterstonga was too short, and it didn’t go any better than he fell on his heel. After much effort, the other Svenn got him out of the icy water-

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network. There were some fat firewood close by, and Svenn burned up a whole firewood before he got warm in the old man again.
The two Haldo guys were strong guys, and there are still many stanzas about the power they took during the construction of the Meraker railway.
Sveen, Iver Ivarson (Setra), Folldal.
This farm is located on the north side of Grimsa towards Myrbekk-osen. Steep and good cultivation soil.
Ole Jørgenson Stadsbueyen gm Sigrid Olesd. built seats here. Their son, Ole Oleson de, took the property as part of his paternal inheritance, but sold the estate to Ivar Knutson Stigen in 1837, who sold it to his son Iver Ivarsoni in 1849. Iver lived here for a few years, but then decided he wanted to try his luck say in Northern Norway, and sold the farm in 1871 to Lars Haldorson Øyan and traveled to Alta. Flew from there to Tromsø where he lived.
Lars Øyan sold the farm again in 1891 to Martin Ivarson Stadsbuoyen, who lived there until he took over his father’s farm Stadsbuoyen. Martin ran the farm until 1935 when his son Per Martinson took over. II 3. Iver Ivarson Sveen b. 1817 d. 1896, b. 1851 m. Marit Olesd. Streitlien b. 1823 d. ……. Nine children:
II 1. Ingrid b. 1850. See Holten, Ole, Alta.
2. Ole b. 1852. See Sveen, Ole. Tromso.
3. Martinius b. 1856 and
4. Ivar b. 1857 died at a young age.
5. Siver b. 1860. See Sveen, Siver. Ingoy.
6. Oline b. 1863, gm Villuan Svendsen in America.
7. Maria b. 1865 d. 1868.
8. Ingeborg b. 1866 d. 1876.
9. Ingeborg b. 1867. See Skrove, Nikolai. Stiklestad.

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Sveen, Ole Ivarson, Tromso.
III 2. Ole Ivarson Sveen b. 21/3 1852, d. 15/9 1936, gm Beate Larsen from Vang, Hedmark, b. 28/2 1860, d. 23/8 1948. Children:
IV 1. Ingvald Marinius b. 11/9 1884. He was involved during the First World War 1914-1918, and he disappeared completely.
2. Birger Olivius b. 11/10 1886, gm Elisabeth, and they live in North Vancouver, Canada.
3. Ottar Leonard b. 24/9 1888, gm Minnie Swartz. They live in Alberta, Canada. Son: Ivar.
4. Arnold Marius Sverre b. 11/2 1891, d. 10/12 1949, gm Karoline Bohne. Children
V1. Bodil b. 1917, general city engineer Enga, Tromso.
VI 1. Kari gm Finn Devold. Children: Hege b. 30/12 1968.
2. Ellen gm Viggo Nilssen. Children: Tone b. 1/12 1965.
2. Solveig b. 1921, gm Lars Kjelsberg.
3. Arnulf b. 1925, gm Vivi Pedersen, Hamargy, b. 4/11 1929. They live in Tromso and have
1. Kirsti £. 1/2 1952 and
2. Vigdis b. 21/11 1956.
5. Alfred Kristian Sverdrup b. 27/12 Olsen. 1894, gm Emely Olsen Children: 1. Irene b. 1924.
6.Gyda Marie Nancy b. 13/8 1896, gm Gustav Adolf Hultgren. They live in Seattle 88, Wash., US.A.
7. Valborg Ivara b. 24/1 1899, g. 1. gm Gunnar Kielland Knoph, Tromso. G. 2nd gm Trygve Møller, Finsnes. Children:
V1. Beate b. 7/3 1949, gm Idar Mork. They have 4 children:
VI 1. Liv Beate b. 7/3 1949.
2. Øyvind b. 30/3 1952.
3. Yngvar b. 27/12 1954. Randi b. 11/4 1958.
4. Randi b. 11/4 1958.
V 2. Turid Insurance b. 1935. 52

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Holten, Ole, Alta.
III 1. Ingrid Ivarsd. Sven £. 1850, d. 1910, gm Ola Holten, Alta.
Iv 1. Lyon Olason Holten b. 1877 d. 1919 in the USA, gm Grete Karlsen Givilliervi, Hammerfest, d. 1913. They had children Rutt and Ingrid both of whom are in America.
2. Helga Amanda b. 24/7 1883, gm Peder Anton Pederson Holmen b. 27/5 1868. Six children:
V 1. Rutt Hildur Holmen b. 31/1 1904, b. 1924 m. small user and building carpenter Øyvind Lethigangas b. 6/12 1894, Øvre Alta. Four children:
VI 1. Henry b. 2/6 1924, b. 1946 m. Eva Myklebust b. 7/11 1924. Lives in Rảnåsfoss and has a son Vidar b. 14/2 1948.
2. Arne Sigvald£. 22/8 1925, b. 15/11 1952 m. Anne Marie Andersen, Varde, b. 14/8 1932. Construction work. in Øvre Alta and has a son Gunnar b. 11/7 1954.
3. Ragnhild b. 19/3 1928, b. 1946 m. slate worker Arne Edvard Ballo, b. 18/3 1921 in Vadso. They live in Øvre Alta and have a daughter Kirsten b. 26/10 1946.
4. Per Georg b. 2/12 1929, b. 15/12 1956 m. Anny Elisabeth Stene b. 10/9 1937. Per is a construction worker . in Upper Alta. They have a son Tor Inge b. 1/7 1957.
2. Alf Rosenlund Holmen b. 8/5 1905, b. 1932 m. Ester Halvorsen b. 15/1 1908. Little brother. and slate work, bur at Holmen. 2 children:
VI 1. Helga Marie b. 31/8 1932, b. 5/12 1953 m. driver Osvald Mollenes b. 1011 1931. Lives at Raipas, Elvebakken, 2 children:
VII 1. Kurt Agef. 10/7 1951.
2. Jan Helge b. 12/9 1954. Roger Holmen b. 20/2 1937, unmarried.

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3. Ester Ivara Holmen b. 19/8 1907, b. 1931 m. bank cashier Petter Adolf Nilsen, Alta b. 27/7 1905. Two children:

VI 1. Erling b. 28/5 1931, gardener. b. 21/12 1957 m. Hildur Romsdal, b. 23/11 1933. They live in Holmen.

2. Astrid b. 19/3 1934, bookkeeper, b. 29/3 1953 m. building work. Rolf Sivertsen, b. 21/7 1937.

4. Ingrid Holmen b. 1/3 1911, b. 1937 m. and slate work. Harald Isaksen b. 18/9 1903. Daughter: Ingrid b. 27/5 1947.

5. Ole Østerlid Holmen b. 26/4 1915, gbr., b. 1937 m. Ingrid Magdalene Pedersen b. 18/9 1919. Four children:

VI 1. Nina b. 18/12 1937, b. 2/3 1957 m. slate worker Harald Georg Simensen b. 28/8 1937.

2. Lillian f. 11/2 1940

3. Vigdis f. 26/5 1948

4. Svein Ole b. 11/7 1957. Lillian b. 11 /2 1940. Daughter: Torild £. 28/6 1957. 2. 3. Vigdis b. 26/5 1948.

6. Signe Holmen b. 19/8 1916, b. 1939 m. sjåtor Kornelius Fredriksen, Bossekop, b. 25/3 1913

3. Magna Ivara Holten b. 1884, see Kjelsberg, Kristian. Alta.

4. Alma Olesd. Holten b. 24/3 1887, gm Sigurd Berg b. 14/6 1887 in Talvik, d. 1940. Three children: V1. Ivar Berg b. 19/8 1910, lecturer, gm Antonette Arild b. 5/9 1917 in Talvik. The family lives in Oslo. Three children:

VI 1. Aud b. 20/4 1943, cand. mag.

2. Sissel b. 29/8 1946, teacher, b. 17/2 1968 m. teacher Ludvig Kvandal b. 3/1 1943. A daughter VII 1. Ingrid b. 2/4 1969.

3. Berit Johanne b. 29 /4 1954.

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2. Practice teacher Ruben Berg b. 3/7 1913 in Alta, lives in Oslo, b. 3/8 1937 m. teacher Bergfrid Hjørdis Nyberg b. 16/8 1909 Trondarnes. Children:

VI 1. Frøydis, born 17/5 1939 in Alta, physiotherapist, born 25/6 1964 m. dentist Tore Kristoffersen. Children:

VII 1. Bjarne b. 15/6 1968.

3. Kåre Berg, b. 30/1 1922, state hydrologist, ug. Lives  in Oslo.

5. Georg Oleson Holten, b. 1891, d. 1907.

6. Sigurd Waldemar Olsen, b. 10/10 1892, g. 1. gm Marie Sivertsd. b. 4/10 1892, d. 3/6 1928, g. 2nd gm Julie Gallavara b. 24/8 1904. No children in 2nd marriage.

V. 1.. Ingvarda Sofie b. 6/7 1916, b. 1941 m. driver Halvdan Leinan, Bossekop, b. 16/9 1913. Children: 1. Inger Lise b. 24/2 1943.

2. Sigrid Johanne b. 14/1 1919 , b. 1940 with driver Gunnar Leinan, Bossekop, b. 20/4 1918. Three children:

1. Ottar b. 20/8 1941,

2. Are b. 27/3 1950,

3. Pil Sigurd b. 7/ 5 1952.

3. Lyon Johannes b. 18/7.1927, carpenter, b. 7/4 1956 m. Nelly Anbjorg Svendsen b. 4/4 1935. Children:

1. Kjetil b. 23/10 1956.

2. Gunvor b. 4/ 9 1954. Kjelsberg, Kristian, Alta. IV

3. Magna Ivara Olesd. Holten b. 31/10 1884, g. 1st gm gbr.

Kjelsberg Kristian, Alta

IV. 3. Magna Ivara Olesd. Holten f. 31/10 1884 g. 1. g. m. gbr Kristian Saxe Kjelsberg f. 10/8 1875 d. ……G. 2. g. 1935 m. gbr. Ole Hilmar Haldorson Eiby b. 10/8 1878, d. 21/6 1957. No children by second marriage.

V1. Ole Georg b. 1/7 1907, gbr., g. 1. gm Gunvor Flage i. 25/3 1910, d. 2/8 1935. G. 2. gm Eli Mohren, Namdal, b. 14/7 1917. Lives in Eiby.

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VI 1. Kristian Georg b. 27/1 1933, technical assistant.

2. Kari Kjelsberg b. 25/10 1934, b. 2/10 1954 m. painter Georg Johnsen, Bossekop b. 9/4 1935. Children:

1. Åke Kjelsberg b. 15/3 1955.

2. Gunvor Kjelsberg b. 10/4 1957.

3. Asbjørn b. 10/9 1944.

4. Tove Elisabeth b. 30/9 1952.

2. Leif, teacher b. 1/8 1909, school director at Tverrelvdalen school, b. 1938 m. teacher Astrid Johansen, Hammerfest. b. 18/12 1914. Elvebakken. Two children: Pål £. 31/3 1948, master’s degree at Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk and Guri b. 29/1 1954.

3. Ingrid b. 18/8 1911, b. 1949 with driver Karl Olsen Mella, Eiby, b. 24/7 1911. No children.

4. Hans, gardbr., Eiby b. 18/9 1919, b. 1942 m. Magna Sofie Thomassen b. 16/12 1921. Five children:

VI 1. Knut Saxe b. 26/3 1943.

2. Inger Elisabeth b. 29/4 1945 in Stange.

3. Torill b. 22/5 1948.

4. Roar b. 19/6 1950.

5. Hans Kristian b. 17/10 1956.

5 Elisabeth b. 24/12 1921, b. 1943 m. driver Jon Marelius Strom b. 8/1 1921. Eiby. Three children: 1. Aud Elisabeth b. 14/2 1944, 2. Magne b. 24/7 1947, 3. Yngve b. 18/1 1955.

Sveen, Siver, Ingoy.

III 5. Siver Ivarson Sveen b. 20/6 1860, d. 4/2 1930, gm Anna Johnsdtr. Borkhus, Alta b. 1861, d. 3/5 1957. Her parents were Ragnhild Mikkelsdtr. Streitlien and John Jonson Borkhus, Alta. In 1871, the parents came together with several other people to the Kả-fjord mine. They followed the first paddle boat that went to Finnmark. Namely, there was little work at the Folldals mine, and many experienced miners then traveled north. They had to stick to 

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for three years, Many enjoyed themselves so much that they stayed in Finnmark for the rest of their lives.
Siver Sveen took up the fishing business at Ingoy. He owned several fishing villages in Ingoy and in Kjollefjord. For a time he was also mayor of Målsoy here. Siver and Anna had five children:
IV 1. Ragnhild b. 18/9 1887, ug., d. 10/5 1966.
2. Margit b. 10/11 1889, d. 29/4 1930, gm Trygve Collin f. 2/2 1886, d. 3/1 1955. A daughter:
V 1. Kari b. 24/2 1921, b. 1952 m. lecturer Per Aamlid from Øyestad b. 25/12 1918. Skarpnes, Arendal. Children:
VI 1. Trygve Sveen Aamlid b. 22/6 1960.
3. Jon Ivar b. 1891, d. 1891.
4. Sverre b. 16/7 1893, d. 19/3 1965. Kleiva om Harstad.
5. Leif, died aged 9.
Skrove, Nicolai, Stiklestad.
III 8. Ingeborg Iversdtr. Sveen b. 11/11 1867, d. 26/6 1952, was born 1/7 1893 m. Nicolai Skrove, Stiklestadf. 2/12 1866, d. 11/7 1926. They had eight children:
IV 1. Margit Elisabet b. 19/5 1894, cook. Stiklestad.
2. Jenny b. 2/7 1895. Nursing sister in Oslo.
3. Johannes b. 22/3 1897, foreman Oslo.
4. Ivar Nicolay born 2/1 1899, works in Oslo.
5. Otto Villiam b. 7/8 1901, head gardener in Asker, gm sick sister Alvilde Nilsen b. 30/9 1904. One daughter: Guro Mette Vaggestad Skrovef. 26/10 1942.
6. Aagot Kathrine b. 20/6 1907, gardener in Valdres.
7. Gunvor Solveigt. 14/4 1910, nurse in Oslo.
8. Petter Husby Skrove b. 7/12 1911, deacon in Oslo, former telephone operator Gunvor Fjell b. 13/9 1913.

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Sveen middle, Folldal.

This farm is divided from Sveen upper, and it was Ola Ivarson Ovre Sveen who first transferred the farm to his brother Peder Ivarson b. 1817. He built himself a house at the top of the earth, but did not thrive. Then went on a trip to Velfjord on Helgeland together with 6 other folldøler in 1874. It was the eldest daughter of Knut Ivarson Stadsbuøyen, Marit b. 1834, who got the farm. She and her husband Eirik built their houses where the farm now stands. They had 2 cows to begin with, and built a barn out of peat and soil for 2 cows when they moved there in 1861.

III. Marit Knutsd. Stadsbuoyen b. 16/9 1834 d. 22/1 1915, b. 23/9 1861 m. Eirik Oleson Eriksbakken or Ulvsplassen, Alvdal, b. 1835 d. 18/4 1919, Nine children:

Jørand Steien b. Sveen, and Elina Sveen.


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IV 1. Jorand b. 16/5 1862, gm Adolf Steien in America.
2. Anna b. 8/10 1863. See Måna, Anders, Alvdal.
3. Karl d. 14/3 1865. Lost his life in a mine in America.
4. Ole b. 2/5 1867. Next user.
5. Maria b. 29/1 1869 d. 20/4 1869.
6. Maria b. 16/3 1870, gm Bukplass. America.
7. Elina b. 23/5 1872, gm an elvdøl.
8 Kirsti b. 25/9 1875 d. young and ug.
9. Sina b. 12/1 1878. See Sandom, Hans.
IV 4. Ole Eirikson b. 2/5 1867 d. 27/10 1947, b. 6/10 1894 m. Anne Marie Pedersd. Randen b. 44 1870 d. 5/12 1945. Eight children:
V1. Emil b. 30/12 1895 d. 30/4 1938, ug.
2. Margit b. 14/1 1897, d. 9/3 1928, b. 5/6 1921 m, Jens Lycke Oleson b. 1894 in Wisc. d. 1920 (?) Children:
VI 1. Steinar Olav b. 17/9 1921 d. 19/11
3. Signe b. 4/3 1899. See Husum, Emil.
4. Peder b. 24/9 1901. Next user.
5. Klara b. 14/2 1904 d. 29/8 1945, ug.
6. Emma b. 10/1 1907, b. 15/6 1929 m. miner. Iver Johannesson Tønset, Røros £. 22/3 1903. Children:
VI 1. Edith Ingebjørg b. 2/12 1929, b. 11/7 1953 m. Reidar Havdal, Rennebu b. 15/3 1924. Shop manager in Bærum.
2. Karen Marie b. 25/10 1934, d. 19/5 1956 m. workshop work. Reidar Iverson Brennodden born 28/2/1932. Lives in Stange. Children:
VII 1. Ivar b. 3/11 1956.
2. Randi b. 17/1 1961.
7. Anna b. 15/12 1908, b. 13/5 1935 m. gruyemäler Arne Anderson Reitan b. 3/8 1912 Folldal Verk. Children:
VI 1. Arnulf b. 24/1 1936, electrical engineer, b. 2/12 1961 with technical ass. Oda Ingjerd Andersd. Drage, Oslo, born 7/7 1937. Lives in Trondheim.
VII 1. Hilde b. 12/5 1965. Attle b. 23/3 1967.
2. Sissel Margot b. 24/4 1949. 83 1926.

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8. Jenny b. 22/4 1911, gm flotation form. Peder Eilertsen Stuedal, b. 20/6 1913. Children:

VI 1. Rutt Molly b. 2/7 1942, b. 27/8 1960 with clerk Olav Kjell Dahl, Koppang. Children.

VII 1. Espen b. 11/1 1961.

2. Viggo b. 7/11 1946.

V4. Peder Oleson b. 24/9 1901, b. 9/10 1922 m. Marie Svennsd. Hovde b. 17/9 1900 d. 21/2 1960. Children:

VI 1. Odd £. 23/1 1924, construction worker, born 27/9 1951 m. Marit Ivarsd. Fallet b. 11/9 1927. Children:

VII 1. Geir b. 29/10 1952.

2. Anne Berit b. 18/5 1961.

2. Sverre Magne b. 24/10 1925, bookkeeper in Bærum, g. 25 /3 1961 m. Randi Karlsd. born 16/11 1927 in Hakadal.

3. Aasta Magnhild b. 20/3 1927, b. 14/6 1952 m. control assistant Ivar Georgson Plassen, b. 17/4 1923. Children:

VII 1. Yngvar b. 21/7 1961.

2. Vemund b. 25/6 1964.

3. Per Gunnar b. 15/7 1965.

Husum, Emil, Folldal.

VI 3. Signe Olesd. Sveen b. 4/3 1899, b. 16/5 1921 m. gbr. Emil Syverson Husum b. 28/2 1891 d. 16/5 1957. Has the farm Brevan. Children:

VII 1. Mildrid b. 5/12 1925 d. 31/5 1943.

2. Edel Synnove b. 6/5 1933, b. 29/12 1956 m. gbr. John Sørhus, Alvdal, d. 15/9 1929. Children:

VIII 1. Signe b. 20/7 1957.

2. Olaug b. 29/4 1959.

3. Ole b. 27/11 1960.

3. Aase b. 27/9 1921, born 6/2 1943 m. carpenter Herman Støle, Folldal. Children:

VIII 1. Age Henning b. 26/4 1943.

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Mảna, Anders, Alvdal.

IV 2. Anna Eriksd. Sveen b. 8/10 1963 d. 16/10 1948, was gm gbr. Anders Avleson Måna in Alvdal, b. 12/1 1864 d. 12/2 1942. Seven children:

V1. Berit b. 9/8 1894, b. 14/5 1915 m. gbr. Lars Erikson Bukkplass b. 16/2 1893. Four children:

VI 1. Einar b. 13/9 1915, b. 14/10 1941 n. Kari Karlsd. Taraldsteen b. 8/9 1917. Newly used Vårly. Four children:

VII 1. Bjørg b. 13/9 1942.

2. Ingrid b. 6/5 1945.

3. Inger Johanne b. 9/9 1947.

4. Else Kirsten b. 8/5 1955.

2. Inga b. 8/11 1919 d. 24/5 1945,

3. Asbjørn b. 30/7 1923.

4. Arne b. 2/6 1927. ug. Anna Mảna b. Sveen, Karl E. Sveen. 86

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2. Avle Anderson b. 2/11 1895, blind, d. 12/2 1944, ug.
3. Einar b. 13/4 1897, b. 2/10 1917 m. Helga Olesd. Lien b. 8/7 1892. Has newly used Utgard. Six children:
VI 1. Anders b. 1/5 1918, b. 1/11 1947 m. Oddlaug Hansd. Jenssen b. 4/2 1916. Children:
VII 1. Arnhild b. 27/12 1947.
2. Hans Einar b. 5/10 1954.
2. Anna, died 3 years old.
3. Ola b. 15/8 1925, b. 15/9 1951 m. Gerd Olaug Olesd. Nyhus b. 11/1 1929. Children:
VII 1. Helga b. 11/1 1952.
2. Gudlaug b. 2/9 1958.
4. Arne i. 2/6 1927 d. 27/2 1948, ug.
5. Erling b. 12/4 1930, ug.
6. Anna b. 15/11 1931, b. 28/5 1954 m. Odd Olavson Tronsli b. 23/5 1924. Children:
VII 1. Arne Olay b. 7/4 1959.
4. Martin b. 12/6 1899, shoemaker, d. 8/4 1951, ug.
5. Asbjørn b. 6/7 1901. Next user.
6. Emma b. 19/12 1903, b. 29/5 1935 m. gbr. Johan Hansson Lien b. 17/5 1906. Children:
VI 1. Hans b. 25/6 1936.
2. Maria b. 11/6 1939.
7. Sigurd b. 2/9 1907, painter, d. 29/4 1952, b. 1940 m. Johanna Hansd. Engetrøen b. 1901. Children:
VI 1. Arne Harald b. 27/4 1942.
V5. Asbjørn Anderson Måna b. 6/7 1901, d. 24/3 1927 m. Marit Mortensd. Litrøen b. 8/2 1901. Children:
VI 1. Anders b. 17/3 1930, b. 1/10 1955 m, Reidun Mikalsd. Brennryen, Grimsbu b. 17/7 1933. Children.
VII 1. Bente b. 8/7 1956.
2. Roar b. 11/6 1960.
2. Anna Solfrid b. 13/1 1933, b. 9/7 1955 m. teacher Erling Måna b. 15/9 1930. Children:
VII 2. Marit b. 14/3 1958. 87

Folldal Church